Acknowledgment is the greatest of the virtues

August 13th, 2010
Researching in dictionaries, acknowledgment is “the action of expressing or displaying gratitude or appreciation for something”. It is a feeling which involves emotive debt toward another person. It comes along with a thanking impression.
It unlocks the life’s fullness. Through its notion, we can change a meal into a banquet, a house into home, a strange person into a friend and hatred into love. The acknowledgment brings new perspectives and possibilities in our lives. It can enlighten our mind, bring peace in our soul, love into our heart. Moreover, it can show a prosperity future.

Um comentário:

  1. Muito bonita esta postagem! Virtudes são realmente importantes. Deixo então aqui este link para continuar falando deste assunto das virtudes, ok?
    VIDA EM SOCIEDADE: Boas Maneiras, Virtudes Humanas e Cristianismo para a Vida Cotidiana
