The time is always right to do it right

December 12th, 2009

Do you believe in your power? Do you believe in your love? Do you believe that you can do the difference in this life?

You must believe that you are powerful. Think on yourself as a handcraft person stringing pearls, producing beautiful necklaces and bracelets. Each word is carefully chosen and carefully matched with others. You should arrange the words together in such a way that each sentences is a part of a beauty structure.

Be assured that the time and effort you invest in this life will pay rich profit back. Good writing skills are learned by hard study, hopeness, and hard work. Don't give up. Success comes to those who keep themselves learning, growing, and improving.
"He runs fast, swims fast, drives fast, and eats fast."

"When hated people become loved, when disgruntled people become content, when violent people become gentle, when mean people become kind, when traitors become loyal, and when evil people become good, there is evidence that the Holy Spirit is at work in them bearing fruit for God."

Believe in yourself, in God and in all good life aspects. You are responsible for you life.
Think about it and have a wonderful day.
December 7, 2009
Lecturer with extensive experience in sales, motivation, customer service and CRM, Evaldo Costa works as President of the Brazilian Dealers Institute – ICBR, where he is a consultant of companies in retail, he gives lectures and serves as facilitator in training.His lectures and trainings are specially prepared for people who want to succeed in sales, retail, service, relationship. Through objective approach, humorous and effective, Evaldo Costa, is a reference for all those who wish to keep updated and motivated to be successful in their fields.He has about 1.000 published articles in Brazil and abroad (magazines, newspaper, websites).

He has about one hundred articles published in newspapers and magazines such as “” “HSM”, “Venda Mais”, “Vencer” one of the most widely read magazine “Cliente SA”, and is current writer for the magazine's “revista Mobile”, website “O Gerente”, “Portal da Administração”, website “Empreendedor”, “Ser Mais”, “Revista Única” and “Programa Quinta Marcha” where he writes stories in the form of articles on the auto market.

Evaldo Costa is responsible for carrying out technical missions to the outside to the practice of benchmarking. Evaldo has visited fairs, conferences, and businesses in over 40 countries among which are: The United States, China, Korean, Canada, Mexico, Russian, Finland, Italy, France, England, Portugal, Spain, Norway, Denmark, Thailand, Argentina, Chile and others


December 7th, 2010E-mail address:
Work Phone: (55+21) 2252.3900 Ext: 27
Privet Phone: (55+21) 9973.1011


EVALDO COSTA is president, since September 1, 1995, of Brazilian Dealers Institute – ICBR, a Privet Company specialized in automotive sector. He is responsible for the accomplishmet(abroad and especially in the United States and Europe Countries) of benchmarking technical missions in companies that have international acceptance and events such as the Convention & Exhibition of the retail business in the National Dealers Association – NADA in the United States, Russian Dealers Congress, European Automobile Retail Business Congress and many others. He has already accomplished technical missions in more than 40 countries.

About 35 years of experience in the retail business. In early 1990, he was director of the National Federation of Automobile Dealers - FENABRAVE and the Union of Vehicle Dealers - SINCODIV both the regional of Minas Gerais.

Graduated as Bachelor in Law and Accounting and Master in Company Administration (MBA) at Fundação Getulio Vargas – FGV and accredited Coach by ICI - Integrated Coaching Institute – California in 2006.

As an automotive retail consultant, he is specialized in training to sales, relationship (CRM) and customer prospecting. Lecturer with extensive experience on sales and motivation.

 Book: “Como Garantir Três Vendas Extras Por Dia” – Campus/Elsevier.
 Book: “Alavancando Resultados Através Da Gestão Da Qualidade”.
 Book: “Gigantes Das Vendas: Quantum
 About 1.000 published article in Brazil and abroad (magazines, newspaper, websites etc);
 Columnist six vehicle of communication. See more

 Master Degree thesis - FGV-RJ – ´The Impact of the Internet on the National Automobile Retail Business´, 2001.

Worked for three years as a consultant for the expansion franchise computer.

Director-shareholder, from 1993 to 2004, of four perfume/cosmetics shops in the main shopping malls in Rio de Janeiro.

Evaldo Costa associated with the Rotary Club of Rio De Janeiro (8290), District 4570.

The Automotive Dealership Quest For Excellent Customer Service - Disney Style - Gard Sutton & Associates, Inc - Newport Beach - Florida - USA (Cadre)

EVALDO COSTA – Bachelor in Law, Bachelor in Accounting, Master in Company Administration (FGV), married, two children, Director of Brazilian Dealership Institute, University Professor. I am fond of sports, traveling and reading. More information could be see