Do you believe in your power? Do you believe in your love? Do you believe that you can do the difference in this life?
You must believe that you are powerful. Think on yourself as a handcraft person stringing pearls, producing beautiful necklaces and bracelets. Each word is carefully chosen and carefully matched with others. You should arrange the words together in such a way that each sentences is a part of a beauty structure.
Be assured that the time and effort you invest in this life will pay rich profit back. Good writing skills are learned by hard study, hopeness, and hard work. Don't give up. Success comes to those who keep themselves learning, growing, and improving.
"He runs fast, swims fast, drives fast, and eats fast."
"When hated people become loved, when disgruntled people become content, when violent people become gentle, when mean people become kind, when traitors become loyal, and when evil people become good, there is evidence that the Holy Spirit is at work in them bearing fruit for God."
Believe in yourself, in God and in all good life aspects. You are responsible for you life.
Think about it and have a wonderful day.
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